
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to dynamic webpages (HTML, CSS) powered by PHP.

During this course the student will learn how to create a static HTML webpage styled by CSS.

Finally the webpages should become dynamic powered by the PHP programming language.


The main documentation for this course is a site and can be found at The main advantage of using a site as a textbook is that the included examples and snippets can be rendered/formatted by the browser on the fly.

A PDF version of this document is also available. But keep in mind that some HTML features will be lost in the conversion to a pdf.

There are no slides available, all the key aspects of this course will introduced via examples during the lessons. These examples and example solutions to the exercises, made during this course, will be published in a git repository on github:

This course is a very practical course. Making exercises and exploring/fiddling with code is the best way to learn and get acquainted with all the aspects featured in this course.

Additional resources

An in depth guide/reference/manual for PHP can be found at

For an HTML and CSS reference see and


If you have questions about the contents of this course or get stuck during a certain exercise, please ask a question via de discussions on LEHO. This way fellow students can help you with your problem or questions.

I will also monitor the discussions page and post answers there.

If you have any remaining questions, please contact me via

Code in this document

This course will feature a lot of code. The source-code of all the snippets in this manual can be found here.

The source and the output of each snippets are always displayed whenever a snippet is included.


introduction/embed_example | src


echo "<h1>This is an embed example</h1>";

if( array_key_exists( 'KEY', $_POST ) ) {



   Markup is interpreted by the browser and formatted accordingly..