
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to dynamic webpages (HTML, CSS) powered by PHP.

During this course the student will learn how to create a static HTML webpage styled by CSS.

Finally the webpages should become dynamic powered by the PHP programming language.


The main documentation for this course is a site and can be found at The main advantage of using a site as a textbook is that the included examples and snippets can be rendered/formatted by the browser on the fly.

A PDF version of this document is also available. But keep in mind that some HTML features will be lost in the conversion to a pdf.

There are no slides available, all the key aspects of this course will introduced via examples during the lessons. These examples and example solutions to the exercises, made during this course, will be published in a git repository on github:

This course is a very practical course. Making exercises and exploring/fiddling with code is the best way to learn and get acquainted with all the aspects featured in this course.

Additional resources

An in depth guide/reference/manual for PHP can be found at

For an HTML and CSS reference see and


If you have questions about the contents of this course or get stuck during a certain exercise, please ask a question via de discussions on LEHO. This way fellow students can help you with your problem or questions.

I will also monitor the discussions page and post answers there.

If you have any remaining questions, please contact me via

Code in this document

This course will feature a lot of code. The source-code of all the snippets in this manual can be found here.

The source and the output of each snippets are always displayed whenever a snippet is included.


introduction/embed_example | src


echo "<h1>This is an embed example</h1>";

if( array_key_exists( 'KEY', $_POST ) ) {



   Markup is interpreted by the browser and formatted accordingly..

Getting started

This course requires some software to be installed.

Normally these packages are already installed on the provided VM. If not, they can easily be installed by running:

sudo dnf install firefox gedit php git

Press y when prompted Is this ok [y/N]:.

This document and all the exercises/examples are hosted on GitHub. This means a local copy of the source can be obtained easily and kept in sync with the latest changes and updates.

This website source can be found at and the result viewed at

All the code created during the lessons will be made available at

Init workspace

mkdir ~/webtechnology
cd  ~/webtechnology
  • Create your own exercises directory
mkdir exercises

You can store all your scripts in this folder…

Get local copy of this site.

Although all documents are hosted online ( it is recommended to host the cursus-site locally.

Github doesn’t allow the execution of PHP scripts, so the exercise solution may not work as they should because Github is preventing PHP-code execution…

The following steps must be taken to start/open the site locally:

  • Get an initial copy of the repository:
cd ~/webtechnology
git clone cursus
  • To get the latest version/updates
cd ~/webtechnology/cursus
git pull origin master
  • Start a local instance of the site:
cd ~/webtechnology/cursus
make serve

And open http://localhost:8000 in a web browser.

Get local copy of the exercises and examples solutions

cd ~/webtechnology
git clone solutions-and-examples
This command will create a `solutions-and-examples`-folder which will contain all the code featured during the lessons:
* Example snippet
* Exercise solutions
  • To get the latest version (aka. update the repository) run:
cd ~/webtechnology/solutions-and-examples
git pull origin master
Warning: If you made local modifications to any of the files in this repository, this update command (git pull) will most likely fail. So don’t modify the contents in this folder…

Info: When you do encounter errors while pulling, run:

git fetch --all
git reset --hard origin/master

This will reset the repository to be identical to the one on GitHub. Be warned: local modifications will be lost…

Final result

If you complete all of the steps above, you will end up with a workspace that looks like this:

├── cursus
├── exercises
└── solutions-and-examples


GUI editors (present in repositories)

These editors come shipped with the default enabled package repository and are only a sudo dnf install... away.


This is a very basic editor equipped for basic file editing. Installed by default.

sudo dnf install gedit

# install additional plugins for more "advanced" features linke snippets
sudo dnf install gedit-plugins


This is a very little more advanced editor equipped for simple programming.

sudo dnf install geany

Search dnf for additional plugins and install them:

sudo dnf search geany-plugins

# Example install spellcheck
sudo  dnf install geany-plugins-spellcheck

Gnome builder

Gnome builder is a full featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with advanced features.

sudo  dnf install gnome-builder

GUI editors (third party)

Some editors are not present in the default repositories because they do not conform to the Free and Open Source policies Fedora upholds.

VScode / VSCodium

Microsoft publishes a very capable and popular code editor named VSCode:

There is however no open build of this editor. This is what VSCodium is trying to solve:

When we [Microsoft] build Visual Studio Code, we do exactly this. We clone the vscode repository, we lay down a customized product.json that has Microsoft specific functionality (telemetry, gallery, logo, etc.), and then produce a build that we release under our license.

When you clone and build from the vscode repo, none of these endpoints are configured in the default product.json. Therefore, you generate a “clean” build, without the Microsoft customizations, which is by default licensed under the MIT license


sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/vscodium.repo << 'EOF'
sudo dnf search codium
sudo dnf install codium.x86_64

Command line editors

These are command line editors run from within a terminal. They are most commonly used to edit configuration files and can also be used over SSH.

With some configuration they can also be used for more advanced editing and code development.


This is the editor you may be seen during the lessons. It has quite a steep learning curve. Be advised!

sudo dnf install vim


This editor is used during BIT01 Linux to edit config files.

sudo dnf install nano


sudo dnf install emacs

HTML Basics

Info: This course is based on the HTML specification and can differ from older specifications like XHTML and HTML

HTML is an XML subset. This means it is composed out of tags which can contain attributes.


An HTML-tag indicator starts with < and ends with >, for example: <body>.

There are two types of HTML-tags:

  • Non self-enclosing tags
  • Self-enclosing tags

Non self-enclosing tags

Non self-enclosing tags exist out of two parts:

  1. An opening part: <tag>
  2. And a closing part: </tag>. The closing part is identified by the forward slash (/) before the tag-name.

These opening and closing tags can contain plain text and/or additional HTML markup.

<tag> {{content}} </tag>`

Example: <strong>Bold Font</strong> (This tag formats its content in a bold font: Bold Font)

The whole (start + content + end) is an HTML element.

Self-enclosing tags

A self-enclosing tag has no content. So the closing part is left of:


Example: <br> (this will insert a newline into your HTML)

Sometimes you may see self-closing tags used like <tag />, this trailing tag is optional since HTML5 and can be left of.


Attributes modify the behaviour of a tag.

For example the a-tag converts a piece of text into a clickable link.

<a>My text to click</a>

The href-attribute defines where the link should point to:

<a href="">My text to click</a>

Attributes are also used to modify the appearance of a tag. Later in this course we’ll see more detailed examples of this.

A valid HTML document

A valid HTML5 document requires a bit of boilerplate:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- Your webpages metadata -->
    <!-- your webpage specific content -->

This minimal markup tells the browser to treat the document as a HTML5 document.

The document head

The head-tag allows the developer to define meta-data about the webpage. It is a wrapper around multiple other tags.

    <!-- meta tags here -->

The head-tag may only be defined once in the complete document.

Everything defined within the head element will not be visible in the HTML document. The head content can have an effect on the appearance of the page but it’s content will not be visualised.


The title tag sets the web-page title. This title is displayed by the browser in the browser-tab.

    <title>My web-page's title...</title>


We will address styling later in this course but for now it is sufficient to know that style information should be included in the head of a web-page.

Raw style

The style-tag allows to include raw CSS rules in the documents

    <style type="text/css">
        /* style information here */

External style sheets

The link-tag allows to external style sheets into the document. (Do not confuse this tag with the a-tag…).

    <link href="/link/to/file.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">

We will only ever include CSS-files to style our web-pages. The provided attributes in the example are required to include a CSS-file and avoid browser quirks.

The document body

The body-tag should wrap all the content to be displayed.

    <!-- all displayed tags and content go here -->


  • Create a valid HTML-document with
    • Document title: Hello World
    • Content: Hello World from the my first web-page

HTML: Hello World

Create a text file name hello-world.html

gedit hello-world.html

With contents:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Hello World</title>
    Hello World from my first web-page.

Open the local HTML file in the browser.

firefox hello-world.html

Headers: H*

The purpose of a header is to indicate the start of a new block and add an appropriate heading.

The hn-tags come in 6 variations. From to highest order header h1 to the lowest h6.

The browser auto-formats these headers accordingly from largest to smallest font-size.

html-intro/headers | src

<h1>Header 1</h1>
<h2>Header 2</h2>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
<h4>Header 4</h4>
<h5>Header 5</h5>
<h6>Header 6</h6>


  • Create a header for each Hn-tag


The purpose of these types of tags is to wrap other content. Why the content should be wrapped can vary:

  • To indicate semantic meaning (new paragraph, a quote, …)
  • To position and/or style the contents in the container.

They are also referred to as block-elements

Paragraphs p

The p-tag encloses a blob of related text into a paragraph

html-intro/p-tag | src

Content before...
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
   eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
   voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita
   kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Content after...

Generic container div

The div defines a division in the document. It is used a lot to wrap some content and apply styles.

It has no special styles by default

html-intro/div-tag | src

Content before...
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
   eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
   voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita
   kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Content after...

Pre-formatted text: pre

The pre keeps all white-space in the element (in contrast to all the other elements). The text is also displayed in a monospaced font.

html-intro/pre-tag | src

Content before...
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
   eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam

   At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita
   kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Content after...

Blockquote blockquote

The blockquote-tag is used to denote some block of text as a quote from another source.

html-intro/blockquote-tag | src

Content before...
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy
   eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
   voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita
   kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Content after...

Horizontal line: hr

The hr isn’t really a container, it can’t contain other elements, but it is a block element. The tag inserts a line into the document. This can be used to split / separate sections.

html-intro/hr-tag | src

Content before...
Content after...


  • Create a block of text an wrap it in.
    • No tags
    • div tags
    • p tags
    • blockquote tags
    And notice the difference

Inline tags

These tags are inline because they do not start a new block (identified by new lines) as the previous tags.

Their purpose is either to give a specific style and semantic meaning to an element or to extend a certain functionality to the element.

The a is used to link to other web-pages.

In order the function, the href-attribute is required on the a-element.

html-intro/a-tag | src

<a href="">Link to google</a>


  • Create links to

A newline: br

The br insert a newline into the document.

html-intro/br-tag | src

This is the first line.
This is the second line, but in html all white space is replaced by a single
space...<br> The "br"-tag however instructs the browser to continue on a new
line...<br><br>Cool right?

Inline preformat: code

The code-tag is to inline elements what pre is to block elements. It will preserve white space and add a monospaced font in an inline way.

html-intro/code-tag | src

This is <code>preformatted text</code> inline...

Emphasise text: em

The em-tag allows to emphasise certain text.

html-intro/em-tag | src

This is <em>emphasised</em> inline...

Small text: small

The small-tag indicates the browser to use a smaller font-size to visualise this content.

html-intro/small-tag | src

This is <small>small</small> inline...

Inline wrap text: span

The span-tag is a generic wrapper. It has no special semantic meaning. The span-tag is mostly used to style/target some text.

html-intro/span-tag | src

This is <span>span</span> inline...

Strike text: strike

The strike-tag is used to strike through some text.

html-intro/strike-tag | src

This is <strike>strike</strike> inline...

Bold text: strong

The strong-tag can be used to make text bold.

html-intro/strong-tag | src

This is <strong>strong</strong> inline...

Inline quote text: q

The q-tag is used to indicate certain inline text was quoted from an external source.

html-intro/quote-tag | src

This is <q>quote</q> inline...

Image img

The img-tag can be used to inert images into the markup. The src-attribute is required and specifies the location of the image. The location can be a local path, this means a path form the current script directory to the image location or a full (absolute) URL path.

html-intro/img-tag | src

<img src="/assets/img/php-elephant.png" alt="A local location" height="100px">

   alt="A complete URL to an image"


  • Make a web-page with links to:

  • Print the following text so the sentences are broken up as below.

    HTML is a markup language browser understand to format documents.
    CSS is a way to style this markup.
    PHP is a programming language.
    It is used to dynamically generate HTML-markup.
  • Print the following text so hello world is emphasised.

    Let’s emphasise hello world in this sentence.

  • Print the following text so hello world is smaller

    Let’s make hello world smaller in this sentence.

  • Print the following text so hello world is bold

    Let’s make hello world bold in this sentence.

  • Print the following text so hello world is crossed off.

    Let’s strike hello world in this sentence.

Multi element markup

Some elements don’t make any sense on their own. They should be part of a larger elements-group.


fieldset is a container with an (optional) header (legend ).

html-intro/fieldset | src

   <legend>This is a header / legend </legend>
   This is the contents of the fieldset container.

This container is often used to group related from items together.


A HTML-list is composed of li-tags enclosed by an ul or ol-tag.

Unordered lists ul

html-intro/list-unordered | src

   <li>list item 1</li>
   <li>list item 2</li>
   <li>list item 3</li>

Ordered lists ol

html-intro/list-ordered | src

   <li>list item 1</li>
   <li>list item 2</li>
   <li>list item 3</li>


  • Make an unordered list with your name, age and gender as items
  • Make your name bold, age emphasised and gender quoted.
  • Make a top 3 ranked list of your favorite dishes
  • Add a fourth dish, but with smaller font .


A simple table is composed out of:

  • a table wrapper: table
  • rows: tr
  • header cells th
  • and normal cells td

html-intro/simple-table | src




  • Make a table with two columns: name and score
  • Add 3 rows
    • Jan -> 12
    • Piet -> 15
    • Boris -> 7
  • Make the names also headers
  • Add a column ‘passes’ and add a V if the number is larger than 10 and an X otherwise.


As already seen with the a-tag, attributes can modify the behaviour of an HTML-element.

The a-tag requires the href-attribute to be set. Otherwise the browser has no clue where to take the user on a click.

The attributes are also often used to modify the appearance of an element.

Commonly used attributes:


The class attribute holds a space separated list class-names. The element is member of all the classes specified in the attribute. These classes can be used to style a group of elements the same way.

For example all the elements which are member of the same class (have the same class-name in the class attribute) should have the text colour set to red…

<p class="class1" >...</p>
<p class="class1 class-two" >...</p>


The id-attribute lets you assign a unique identifier to an element.

This identifier should be unique for the whole page and thus occur only once.

<p id="unique-identifier" >...</p>

If the id is specified in the URL prefixed by a pound symbol (#), the element will be automatically scrolled into view.

<!-- -->

<p id="chapter1">
Scroll into view...


The style attribute can be used to apply CSS-rules to a single element.

Generally speaking you should not set the styles via this tag. A dedicated style block in the head of page or an external style sheet are better, more scalable, options. It can however come in handy in this introduction to HTML and CSS.

<p style="background: red; color: green;">...</p>

See HTML and CSS for more info about styling an element.


The title attribute lets you assign a title to an element. This title will be displayed as a tooltip when hovering with the mouse over this element.

html-intro/title-attribute | src

<p title="Some title for this element">Hover over me...</p>



Create a HTML page resembling your CV.

Example Solution:


Add a table of contents (TOC) to the previous page (cv.html).

The TOC should contain all headers, clicking a header should take the user to this header/section

Example Solution:


Re-create the HTML skeleton of a wiki page:

Example Solution:


HTML can be styled via CSS. An HTML-element is selected via CSS selectors. Styles/rules are defined per selector block. Each definition is terminated by a ;. A rules block is enclosed by {, }.

<selector> {
    <property> : <value>;
    <property> : <value> <value>;

More info on the CSS syntax at w3schools

Include style information

Elements can be styled via three methods:

  • style-attribute (discouraged)
  • a style tag in the head (less discouraged)
  • an external stylesheet (encouraged)

Style attribute

<element style="/* my styles */"></element>

Use this method to quickly test some rule. Not as a permanent style. This way of managing styles is discouraged because it is a less maintainable way of styling web-pages. For example: styles can not be shared by elements…

Style tag

The style-tag that should be defined in the head of the document. The styles defined in this tag apply to the complete page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>My pae title</title>

    <style type="text/css">
        .selector {

            property: value;

    <!-- the body -->

Even though the styles are defined only once, elements can share them via selectors ( tag-name, classes, …)

External style sheet

The CSS-rules can also be defined in a dedicated CSS-file. This file can be included in a web-page via the link-tag

The rules defined in the file can be included in as many HTML-pages as you want. This makes it the most scalable method of defining and including CSS-rules.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>My pae title</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">

    <!-- the body -->

More info on style inclusion

CSS selectors

In order to apply rules to a certain element, the element must be targeted, selected.

CSS has the notion of selectors to target elements.


The tag-name can be used to style all the same tags the same way.

html-and-css/tag-selector | src

<style type="text/css">
    p {

        color: red; /* make text red */

    P1: Hello world

    P2: Hello world


The id attribute can be used to give an element an unique identifier. This id can be selected via CSS.

A pound symbol # indicates the following string is an id-name:

html-and-css/id-selector | src

<style type="text/css">
    #idname {

        color: red; /* make text red */

<p id="idname">
    P1: Hello world

    P2: Hello world


Multiple elements can have the same class-name set. Elements with a certain class can be targeted/selected via this class-name.

Strings prefixed with a dot . are considered class-names in CSS.

html-and-css/class-selector | src

<style type="text/css">
    .classname {

        color: red; /* make text red */

<p class="classname">
    P1: Hello world

<p class="some-other-class">
    P2: Hello world

<div class="classname">
    P1: Hello world
Info: The elements sharing a class-name can be different tags.

More info on basic selectors

Combining selectors

If multiple selectors are provided, separated by a comma, ,, the defined rules will apply for all the elements matching any of the selectors:

html-and-css/multi-selectors | src

<style type="text/css">
h1, h3, h5 {
   color: red;


CSS selector rules can also be composed out of multiple selectors. This allows for a more detailed/specific selection.

Elements matching multiple rules

selector1.selector2 {}

Selectors can be chained concatenated into a longer selection to make the selection more specific.

For example select only the p-tags with a certain class:

html-and-css/selector-chaining | src

<style type="text/css">
    p.classname {

        color: red; /* make text red */

<p class="classname">
    P1: Hello world

<p class="some-other-class">
    P2: Hello world

<div class="classname">
    P1: Hello world

In this case p.classname means:

  • Select all elements with class classname
  • From all the elements with class classname, select all p-tags.

You can make these selectors as long and as complex as you want:


Elements inside another element

selector1 selector2 {}

Multiple selectors separated by spaces indicate nesting. The last selector should be found inside the previous, inside the previous, …

Info: Inside in this context means, the element must be wrapped by the other element:


Is doesn’t matter how many other tags are in-between the parent and the nested element:


html-and-css/selector-nesting | src

<style type="text/css">

   div h3 {

      color: red;

   .green h3 {

      color: green;


<h3>H3 outside div</h3>

   <h3>H3 inside div</h3>

<div class="green">
   <blockquote class="sub-level">
      <h3>H3 inside div</h3>

Info: If two selectors target the same element and the same property, the last one encountered takes precedence

Direct children of an element

selector1 > selector2 {}

The > symbol between two selectors indicates an direct parent -> child relationship. By this we mean the second element must be an immediate child of the first selector. No other tags may wrap the child element.


html-and-css/direct-child-selector | src

<style type="text/css">

   div > h3 {

      color: red;


<h3>H3 outside div</h3>

   <h3>H3 direct child of div</h3>

<div >
   <blockquote class="sub-level">
      <h3>H3 not a direct child of div</h3>


selector1 ~ selector2 {}

The ~ symbol between two selectors, selects all the elements that match the second selector who exist after the first selector and have the same parent.

html-and-css/all-siblings-selector | src

<style type="text/css">

   .selector1 ~ .selector2 {

      color: red;


<p class="parent">
    <div class="selector1">
        Content of div 1

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 2

    <div class="another-class">
        Content of div 3

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 4

Direct siblings

selector1 + selector2 {}

The + symbol between two selectors, selects the first element that matches the second selector, is located directly after the first selector and have the same parent.

html-and-css/direct-siblings-selector | src

<style type="text/css">

   .selector1 + .selector2 {

      color: red;


<p class="parent">
    <div class="selector1">
        Content of div 1

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 2

    <div class="another-class">
        Content of div 3

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 4

More info on selector combinators

Special selectors


selector:last-child {}

This selection modifier targets the last element matching the given selector:

html-and-css/last-child-selector | src

<style type="text/css">

   .parent div:last-child {

      color: red;


<div class="parent">
    <div class="selector1">
        Content of div 1

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 2

    <div class="another-class">
        Content of div 3

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 4

In the example is the div coloured red, the last div in the .parent tag.


selector:nth-child( n ... ) {}

The nth-child modifier targets the elements matching a simple equation where n is the position of the element in the list.

html-and-css/nth-child-selector | src

<style type="text/css">

   .parent div:nth-child( 2n + 1) {

      color: red;

   .parent div:nth-child( 2n ) {

      color: green;

   .parent div:nth-child( 3 ) {

      background: lightyellow;


<div class="parent">
    <div class="selector1">
        Content of div 1

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 2

    <div class="another-class">
        Content of div 3

    <div class="selector2">
        Content of div 4
  • 2n + 1: all odd elements (the odd keyword can also be used: :nth-child(odd))
  • 2n: all even elements (the even keyword can also be used: :nth-child(even))
  • 3: the third element


selector:hover {

    text-decoration: underline;

Via the hover selector allows us to apply styles to an element only when the mouse hovers over the element.

For example: overline a link when the mouse passes over the element:

html-and-css/hover-selector | src

<style type="text/css">
   a:hover {

       text-decoration: overline;
       color: #888;

<a href=""> Google </a>
<a href="http://"> </a>

CSS properties has a very good explanation of most of the CSS properties. The headers of the listed properties are links to the corresponding These linked web-pages are considered part of the course material!


Colors in CSS are most often specified by:

  • a valid color name - like “red”
  • an RGB value - like “rgb(255, 0, 0)”
  • a HEX value - like “#ff0000”


An element can be given a background:

div {

    background: red;


An element can be given a border:

div {

    border: solid red 1px;
    border: dashed #bbb 1px;


The margin defines how far away other, external, elements are pushed away from the border of the styled element.

div {

    margin: 15px; /* All sides the same margin */
    margin: 15px 30px; /* Top and bottom: 15 px, left and right side: 30px*/
    margin: 15px 30px 45px 60px; /* top: 15px, right:30px, bottom:45px, left: 60px */


The padding defines how far away text, and other child, elements should stay away from the border of the element.

div {

    padding: 15px; /* All sides: 15px */
    padding: 15px 30px; /* Top and bottom: 15 px, left and right side: 30px*/
    padding: 15px 30px 45px 60px; /* top: 15px, right:30px, bottom:45px, left: 60px */

Height and width

The width and the height of an element can be set via css.

div {

    height: 500px;
    width: 150px;

Box model

An element is composed out of multiple components which all influence the size of the element:

Box model image;

  • Content - The content of the box, where text and images appear
  • Padding - Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent
  • Border - A border that goes around the padding and content
  • Margin - Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent

The box-sizing-property influences how all these components add up to the total size of the element.

  • content-box: Default. The width and height properties (and min/max properties) includes only the content. Border, padding, or margin are not included
  • border-box: The width and height properties (and min/max properties) includes content, padding and border, but not the margin


Outline draws a border around the boxmodel.

div {

    outline: solid green 1px;


Customize the appearance of a font:

  • font-color
  • font-size
  • font-weight ( how bold is the font)
  • font-style (italic or not)
  • font-family (Arial, serif or sans-serif, etc)
  • font-variant (small-caps or not)
    font-size: 1.1em;
    color: blue;
    font-weight: bold;
    font-style: italic;
    font-family: serif;
    font-variant: small-caps;


We can style more than the appearance of the font, we can also define:

  • text-align: left, right, centered of justified
  • text-decoration: overline, underline or line-through
  • word-spacing
  • letter-spacing
div {
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: underline;
    word-spacing: 5px;
    letter-spacing: 5px

A link can be in one of four states:

  • a:link - a normal, unvisited link
  • a:visited - a link the user has visited
  • a:hover - a link when the user mouses over it
  • a:active - a link the moment it is clicked

All these states can be styled independently.

a:hover {

    color: pink;


The bullet of a list (ul or ol) can also styles:

div {
    list-style-type: square;
    list-style-position: inside;
    list-style-image: url("custom-bullet.gif");


HTML tables can be styled heavily:

  • border: style the borders of the table.
  • border-collapse: merge table cell borders.

Margins, paddings, nth-child selectors, etc. can also be applied.

Display and visibility

The display-property defines how an elements behaves:

  • block: like a div, p, pre, …
  • inline: like span, small, strong, …
  • inline-block: inline, but can be given a width/height, etc
  • hidden: hide the element.

The visibility-property allows one to hide an element from view, but is still occupies space and interacts with the other DOM-elements.

div {

    display: none;
    visibility: hidden;


This property defines how an element behaves in the page flow. There are four possible values:

  • static: default -> go with the flow
  • relative: position relative to default position.
  • fixed: postion relative to viewport (eg.: browser window)
  • absolute: relative to the nearest positioned (= not static) ancestor
div {

    position: absolute;


The overflow-property defines what should happen if the contents of an element is larger than the defined dimensions.

  • visible: just show the content, don’t take the boundries into considiration.
  • hidden: hide the overflowing content
  • scroll: show scollbars
  • auto: create scrollbars if needed.
Info: The X and Y axis scrollbars can be controlled via overflow-x and overflow-y

div {

    overflow: hidden;


Defining float to left or right will extract an element out of the normal page flow and float all the page content around this element.

div {

    float: right;


Elements can be aligned in their parent via three methods. These methods don’t always work in all circumstances, so sometimes one must be choosen over the other.

  • text-align: left, right or centered -> child elements are aligned
  • margin: 0 auto -> no margin top and bottom, the sides is evenly devided == element is centered…
  • top, right, bottom, left: specify distance of the side of an element to its parent. Works only on absolute or fixed positions



Make a web-page with:

  • Yellow background
  • Red header: Hello World
Example Solution:


Make a table with three columns: first name, last name, age where:

  • first column text is red
  • second column text is blue
  • third column text is green
  • table caption is underline and overlined
  • Extra: add total sum column
Example Solution:


Make a table with three columns: first name, last name, age where:

  • only columns have borders
  • all even rows have a gray background
  • extra: row where mouse is passing over: darker background
Example Solution:


Create an web-page with:

  • A header: My webpage
  • An image
  • Text flowing around the image.
  • A copyright footer
Example Solution:


Create a horizontal bar-plot with four bars:

  • Bar 1: 75%
  • Bar 2: 25%
  • Bar 3: 50%
  • Bar 4: 100%
Example Solution:


Create a vertical bar-plot with four bars:

  • Bar 1: 75%
  • Bar 2: 25%
  • Bar 3: 50%
  • Bar 4: 100%
Example Solution:


Create a webpage with information about the four DNA nucleotides:

  • A
  • T
  • C
  • G

Each of this pages should contain:

  • a header
  • an image of the molecule
  • some info about the nucleotide

All of this can be fetched from wikipedia…,,,

  • The text should flow around the image.

  • Create a landing page. This page will welcome the user and link to the other pages.

  • Display a navigation bar on top of each page.

Example Solution:
Info: In the next chapter we will see how to prevent code duplication. So don’t duplicate code if there is another way (Keep it DRY)

PHP Basics

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.


This means PHP can be used to generate HTML. This allows us to adhere to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.

What makes a PHP-script

A PHP-script is identified by its .php extension and the PHP-tags in the file.

PHP tags

PHP interprets only the code enclosed within the special PHP-tags.

  • Opening tag: <?php
  • Closing tag: ?>

php-basics/php-tags | src

echo "Before php-tags";


echo "Within php-tags\n";


echo "After php-tags";

output of php-basics/php-tags

echo "Before php-tags";

Within php-tags

echo "After php-tags";

Notice that the code outside of the PHP-tags is not interpreted and is printed out unchanged.

A valid PHP instruction generally has the form:

{{ instruction }};

Each statement must be terminated by a semicolon (;)!

An exception to this rule are loops and conditionals. These can encapsulate a block of code in curly brackets {} and thus end in a }


Single line comments

PHP will ignore everything behind a # or //.

echo 'hello world';

// ignore this

# and ignore this

echo 'by world';

Multi-line comments

PHP will ignore everything enclosed by /* and */.

echo 'hello world';

/* ignore this

and ignore this */

echo 'by world';

Execute a PHP-script

To get acquainted with php we will start of on the command line and work our way up to PHP as a web server.

PHP at its core is a program which reads a source file, interprets the directives and prints out the result.

Basic invocation:

php <script-to-execute>.php

The above command will print the output to the STDOUT.

Hello World

The obligatory hello world.

Create a file: hello-world.php with content:

php-basics/hello-world | src


echo "Hello World";


output of php-basics/hello-world

Hello World
Info: The echo statement prints a string. See echo for more info

Info: If you get a command not found error, you probably have to install php. Run: sudo dnf install php

Run it via:

php hello-world.php

on the command line.

Types and variables

Variables are a way to store some information and give the storage space a name. Via this name, the content that was stored can be retrieved.

$name = 'value to store';
A variable is identified by the leading dollar $-symbol followed by a alpha-numeric sequence.

Warning: It is not allowed to start variable name with a number:

$abc OK
$abc123 OK
$123abc Not allowed

PHP knows two main types of variables:

  • scalars
  • arrays


A scalar variable can hold an atomic quantity. For example: one string, or one number, …


PHP knows four scalar types:

Type Example Description
Integers 42 Whole numbers
Floats 3.1415 Real numbers
Strings 'Hello world' Strings can be any number or letter in a sequence (enclosed by single ' or double " quotes, otherwise php may interpret it as a directive…)
Boolean true or false binary true or false


Assign a value to a variable:

Generic syntax:

$varname = 'value to store';


$int    = 123;
$float  = 4.56;
$string = 'Hello World';
$true   = true;
$false  = false;

Printing/Displaying scalars

A scalar can be printed via two methods:


Generic syntax:

echo <scalar>;
echo <scalar1>, <scalar2>, ...;

Echo outputs the provided scalars.

Multiple scalars can be printed at once, just separate them by a comma ,.


echo 123;
echo 4.56;
echo 'Hello World';
echo true;
echo false;

Generic syntax:

print( <scalar> );

Print can only output one scalar at the time. (This can be circumvented via concatenation…)


print( 123 );
print( 4.56 );
print( 'Hello World' );
print( true );
print( false );

String concatenation and interpolation Or single vs. double quotes

Scalars can be combined, concatenated into larger strings.

The concatenation symbol is a dot: ..

php-basics/concatenate | src


print( 'This is a string' . ' || '  . 'this is a number: '  . 42 );

output of php-basics/concatenate

This is a string || this is a number: 42

You may have already noticed that printing variables enclosed by single quotes ' doesn’t work. The literal variable name is printed instead.

php-basics/variables-in-single-quotes | src


$variable = 'Hello World';

echo 'The variable contains: $variable!';

output of php-basics/variables-in-single-quotes

The variable contains: $variable!

To instruct PHP to interpret the variables, and other special sequences, the string must be enclosed by double quotes: ".

php-basics/variables-in-double-quotes | src


$variable = 'Hello World';

echo "The variable contains: $variable!";

output of php-basics/variables-in-double-quotes

The variable contains: Hello World!
Special character sequences

The following special character sequences are interpreted by PHP and formatted accordingly…

Sequence Result
\n New line
\r New line (Windows)
\t The literal -character
\$ Literal $ (escaping prevents variable interpreation)
\" Literal " (escaping prevents string termination).


php-basics/escape-sequences | src


$variable = "hello world";

echo "1. The value of the variable is: $variable.";
echo "2. The value of the variable is: $variable.\n";
echo "\t3. The value of the variable is: $variable.\n";
echo "4. The value of the variable is: \$variable.\n";
echo "5. The value of the variable is: \"$variable\".\n";

output of php-basics/escape-sequences

1. The value of the variable is: hello world.2. The value of the variable is: hello world.
    3. The value of the variable is: hello world.
4. The value of the variable is: $variable.
5. The value of the variable is: "hello world".

Basic arithmetic

Floats an Integers can be used in arithmetic.

Example Name Result
-$a Negation Opposite of $a.
$a + $b Addition Sum of $a and $b.
$a - $b Subtraction Difference of $a and $b.
$a * $b Multiplication Product of $a and $b.
$a / $b Division Quotient of $a and $b.
$a % $b Modulus Remainder of $a divided by $b.
$a ** $b Exponentiation Result of raising $a to the $b ’th power. Introduced in PHP 5.6.


php-basics/arithmetic | src


$a = 42;
$b = 3.1415;
$c = 5;

echo $a + $b  . "\n";
echo $a - $b  . "\n";
echo $a * $b  . "\n";
echo $a / $b  . "\n";
echo $a % $c  . "\n";
echo $a ** $c . "\n";

output of php-basics/arithmetic



Arrays are able to hold more than one item.

An item is stored in the array at a named location. If no name/key/index is explicitly specified, an numeric index from 0 to n (where n is the number of items in the array minus one) is used as the keys.


An array can be declared in two ways:

$array = array( /* list of array items */ );

$array = [ /* list of array items */ ];

The []-method can only be used from PHP version 5.4 and higher.

A normal typical array is a list of values. The keys of those values are automatically assigned, starting with zero 0 and auto incrementing for each element added.

See below for how to print and add values to arrays

php-basics/array-auto-increment | src


$array = [1,2,3];


$array[] = 'hello';


output of php-basics/array-auto-increment

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => hello

The keys can however be specified manually:

php-basics/array-custom-keys | src


$array = [
   'key1' => 'value1',
   'two'  => 2,
   3      => 'hello world',


output of php-basics/array-custom-keys

    [key1] => value1
    [two] => 2
    [3] => hello world

Print/Display arrays

The function print_r can be used to print an array.

Generic syntax:

print_r( $array );

php-basics/print_r | src


$array = array(
   'one' => 1,
   'two' => 'three',
   4     => 'four',
   'hello' => 'world'

print_r( $array );

output of php-basics/print_r

    [one] => 1
    [two] => three
    [4] => four
    [hello] => world

Get a value from an array

A value can be retrieved by specifying the array variable name followed by the index you wish to retrieve enclosed in square brackets:


If the key is a string, the appropriate quoting must be used.



php-basics/array-get-key | src


$array = [1,2,3];

echo $array[0] . "\n";
echo $array[1] . "\n";
echo $array[2] . "\n";

$array_assoc = [
   'key1' => "value1",
   'key2' => "value2",
   'key3' => "value3",

echo $array_assoc['key1'] . "\n";
echo $array_assoc['key2'] . "\n";
echo $array_assoc['key3'] . "\n";

output of php-basics/array-get-key


Update a value in an array

An array value can be targeted by its key. This key can also be used to update the value:

$array[<key>] = <new value>;


php-basics/array-update-value | src


$array = [
   100 => "hundred",
   'key' => "value",


$array['key'] = "new value for key";

$array[1] = 'index 1 now points here';


output of php-basics/array-update-value

    [0] => value1
    [1] => value2
    [2] => value3
    [100] => hundred
    [key] => value
    [0] => value1
    [1] => index 1 now points here
    [2] => value3
    [100] => hundred
    [key] => new value for key

Manipulating arrays

Add an item to the end of an array:

Adding an element at the end of an array can be accomplished by the function array_push or by the square brackets notation ($array[] = $value;).

php-basics/array-append | src


$array = [1,2,3];

print_r( $array );

array_push( $array, 4);

print_r( $array );

// or

$array[] = 5;

print_r( $array );

output of php-basics/array-append

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 4
    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 4
    [4] => 5
Add an item in front of an array:

Adding an element in front of an array can be accomplished by the function array_unshift.

php-basics/array-prepend | src


$array = [1,2,3];

print_r( $array );

array_unshift( $array, 4 );

print_r( $array );

output of php-basics/array-prepend

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [0] => 4
    [1] => 1
    [2] => 2
    [3] => 3
Extract the first element from an array

Extracting the first element from an array can be accomplished by the function array_shift.

php-basics/array-shift | src


$array = [1,2,3];

print_r( $array );

echo array_shift( $array ) . "\n";

print_r( $array );

output of php-basics/array-shift

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [0] => 2
    [1] => 3
Extract the last element from an array

Extracting the last element from an array can be accomplished by the function array_pop.

php-basics/array-pop | src


$array = [1,2,3];

print_r( $array );

echo array_pop( $array ) . "\n";

print_r( $array );

output of php-basics/array-pop

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
Count the elements in an array

Counting the elements in an array can be accomplished by the function count.

php-basics/array-count | src


$array = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

echo count($array) . "\n";

$array[] = "Add item";

echo count($array) . "\n";

array_shift( $array );
array_shift( $array );

echo count($array) . "\n";

output of php-basics/array-count


Special arrays

PHP has some special, reserved, arrays. These arrays are created and filled by PHP.


This array holds all the arguments passed to a PHP-script from the command line.

php print_r-argv.php 'arg1' 'arg2' 123 --options
    [0] => print_r-argv.php
    [1] => arg1
    [2] => arg2
    [3] => 123
    [4] => --options
Info: Notice that the first argument in this array is always the name of the script!


The $_GET-array holds data sent to a webpage via a HTTP-get method.

This corresponds with URL parameters.!
    [arg1] => hello
    [arg2] => world
    [end] => !


The $_POST-array holds data sent to a webpage via a HTTP-post method.

This is typically done via a from submission…


You can store inter-page data in the $_SESSION reserved array.

This inter-page data is typically:

  • user info
  • preferences


When files are uploaded, PHP stores information about these files in this array.


    [file] => Array
            [name] => MyFile.jpg
            [type] => image/jpeg
            [tmp_name] => /tmp/php/php6hst32
            [error] => UPLOAD_ERR_OK
            [size] => 98174


It can be very handy to execute a piece of code only when certain requirements are met. This kind of behaviour can be accomplished via conditionals

The if language structure defines the conditions to fulfil and the accompanying block of code to run if the conditions evaluate to true (enclosed in curly brackets {}).

if( /* <condition> */ ) {

    /* execute this code here */

Additionally an else-block can be defined. The code in this block will be executed when the if-condition evaluated to false.

if( /* condition */ ) {

    /* execute when condition is true */
else {

    /* execute when condition is false */

On top of this, multiple conditions can be chained into an if-elseif-else construct.

if( /* condition 1 */ ) {

    /* execute when condition 1 is true */
elseif( /* condition 2 */ ) {

    /* execute when condition 2 is true */
elseif( /* condition 3 */ ) {

    /* execute when condition 3 is true */
else {

    /* execute when conditions 1, 2 and 3 are false */

Conditionals can also be nested:

if( /* condition 1 */ ) {

    if( /* condition 2 */ ) {

        /* execute when condition 1 and 2 evaluate to true */
    else {

        /* execute when conditions 1 evalutes to true and condition 2 to false */
else {

    /* execute when condition 1 evaluates to false*/

Comparison operators

Example Name Result
$a == $b Equal true if $a is equal to $b after type juggling.
$a === $b Identical true if $a is equal to $b, and they are of the same type.
$a != $b Not equal true if $a is not equal to $b after type juggling.
$a <> $b Not equal true if $a is not equal to $b after type juggling.
$a !== $b Not identical true if $a is not equal to $b, or they are not of the same type.
$a < $b Less than true if $a is strictly less than $b.
$a > $b Greater than true if $a is strictly greater than $b.
$a <= $b Less than or equal to true if $a is less than or equal to $b.
$a >= $b Greater than or equal to true if $a is greater than or equal to $b.

PHP is a dynamically type language. This means the type of a variable is not set in stone but PHP will try its best to guess the types of variables and convert them (juggle them from one type to the other) where its deemed necessary.

For example:

php-basics/type-juggling | src


$string = '1 as a string';


# $string to int = 1 the `+` triggers the type juggling
var_dump( $string + 0);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

var_dump( '1' == 1, 1 == true, 'abc' == true );
var_dump( '1' === 1, 1 === true, 'abc' === true );

output of php-basics/type-juggling

string(13) "1 as a string"
Info: var_dump prints a variable with type information

Logical operators

Multiple comparisons can be bundled together into one condition. They are combined via the logical operators:

Example Name Result
$a and $b And true if both $a and $b are true.
$a or $b Or true if either $a or $b is true.
$a xor $b Xor true if either $a or $b is true, but not both.
! $a Not true if $a is not true.
$a && $b And true if both $a and $b are true.
$a || $b Or true if either $a or $b is true.


php-basics/logical-operators | src


if( true or false ) {

   echo "`true or false` evaluated to TRUE\n";
else {

   echo "`true or false` evaluated to FALSE\n";

echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

if( !true ) {

   echo "`!true` evaluated to TRUE\n";
else {

   echo "`!true` evaluated to FALSE\n";

echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n";

if( true and false ) {

   echo "`true and false` evaluated to TRUE\n";
else {

   echo "`true and false` evaluated to FALSE\n";


output of php-basics/logical-operators

`true or false` evaluated to TRUE
`!true` evaluated to FALSE
`true and false` evaluated to FALSE

These logical operators can be combined at will. Brackets () can be used to enforce precedence.

php-basics/logical-precedence | src


if( ( 1 and 0 ) and true ) {
   echo "`( 1 and 0 ) and true` --> true\n";
else {
   echo "`( 1 and 0 ) and true` --> false\n";

if( 1 and ( 0 and true ) ) {
   echo "`1 and ( 0 and true )` --> true\n";
else {
   echo "`1 and ( 0 and true )` --> false\n";

output of php-basics/logical-precedence

`( 1 and 0 ) and true` --> false
`1 and ( 0 and true )` --> false


Loops enable you to repeat a block of code until a condition is met.


This construct will repeat until the defined condition evaluates to false:

while( /* <condition> */ ) {

    /* execute this block */
Warning: Incorrectly formatted code can result in an endlessly running script. If this happens, use Ctrl+c on the command line to abort the running script.

Danger: The never ending loop:

# This will run until interrupted by the user.

while(1) {

    echo "Use `Ctrl`+`c` to abort this loop\n";

php-basics/loops-while | src


$iterations = 10;

while( $iterations > 0 ) {

   echo "Countdown finished in $iterations iterations\n";
   $iterations = $iterations - 1;

output of php-basics/loops-while

Countdown finished in 10 iterations
Countdown finished in 9 iterations
Countdown finished in 8 iterations
Countdown finished in 7 iterations
Countdown finished in 6 iterations
Countdown finished in 5 iterations
Countdown finished in 4 iterations
Countdown finished in 3 iterations
Countdown finished in 2 iterations
Countdown finished in 1 iterations

Info: The pattern $variable = $variable + 1 is used a lot in programming. Therefore shorthand versions of this, and similar operations, are available:

$var = 1;

# Add or substract by 1:
$var++; // increment by 1
$var--  // decrement by 1

# Add or substract by n:
# $var += n;
# $var -= n;

$var += 3;
$var += 100;
$var -= 42;
$var -= 4;


  • Make a script that counts from 0 to 10
  • Modify the script to count from 50 to 60
  • Modify the script to count from 0 to 10 and back to 0
  • Modify the script to count from 0 to 30 in steps of 3.

Only while loops are allowed.


For is similar to while in functionality. It also loops until a certain condition evaluates to false. The main difference is the boilerplate required to construct the loop.

The for-construct forces you to define the counter variable and the increments right in the construct.

for( <init counter>; <condition>; <increment counter> ) {

    /* execute this block */

Notice the semi-colons ; between each of the for-parts!

php-basics/loops-for | src


for( $counter = 0; $counter < 10; $counter++ ) {

   echo "Loop interation: $counter\n";

output of php-basics/loops-for

Loop interation: 0
Loop interation: 1
Loop interation: 2
Loop interation: 3
Loop interation: 4
Loop interation: 5
Loop interation: 6
Loop interation: 7
Loop interation: 8
Loop interation: 9


  • Make a script that counts from 1 to 10
  • Modify the script to count from 0 to 10 and back to 0
  • Modify the script to count from 0 to 30 in steps of 3.

Only for loops are allowed.

The for construct can also be used to loop over all elements in an array:

php-basics/loops-for-array | src


$array = [


for( $i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++ ){

   echo "\$array has value: '". $array[$i] . "' at index $i\n";

output of php-basics/loops-for-array

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => three
    [3] => value
$array has value: '1' at index 0
$array has value: '2' at index 1
$array has value: 'three' at index 2
$array has value: 'value' at index 3


  • Fill an array with: [ one, two, three, four, five ];
  • Print each word on a single line.
  • Modify the script to also print the index before the word: $index: $value


The for and the while construct have their limitations regarding arrays. What if we have an array with custom keys (not a sequential list of integers…)?

We can solve this problem with the foreach construct. This construct is specifically designed to iterate over array items.

foreach( <array> as [<key-placeholder> =>] <value-placeholder>) {

    /* use key and value here*/

Info: The key-placeholder => part is placed into square brackets to indicate that this part of the construct is optional. The part can be omitted when we have no need of the key in the accompanying block but are only interested in the values…

php-basics/loops-foreach | src


$array = [ 1, 2, 'three', 'value' ];


foreach( $array as $value ) {

   echo "The obtained value is: `$value`\n";

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

$array = [
   1 , 2, 3,
   'key1' => 'value1',
   100 => 'hello'


foreach( $array as $key => $value ) {

   echo "Key: `$key` has value: `$value`\n";

output of php-basics/loops-foreach

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => three
    [3] => value
The obtained value is: `1`
The obtained value is: `2`
The obtained value is: `three`
The obtained value is: `value`
    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [key1] => value1
    [100] => hello
Key: `0` has value: `1`
Key: `1` has value: `2`
Key: `2` has value: `3`
Key: `key1` has value: `value1`
Key: `100` has value: `hello`

Flow control

Sometimes (based on a condition) you want to skip a loop iteration or stop the loop prematurely. Tis can be accomplished by use of continue or break,


Stop running the code in the current loop iteration and start the next iteration.

php-basics/continue | src


echo "Loop start\n";

for( $count = 0 ; $count < 10 ; $count++ ) {

   if( $count == 3 or $count == 6 ) {

      echo "Count is 3 or 6; start next iteration...\n";

   echo "Current count == $count\n";

echo "Loop end\n";

output of php-basics/continue

Loop start
Current count == 0
Current count == 1
Current count == 2
Count is 3 or 6; start next iteration...
Current count == 4
Current count == 5
Count is 3 or 6; start next iteration...
Current count == 7
Current count == 8
Current count == 9
Loop end


Stop executing the loop iteration and break out of the loop.

php-basics/break | src


echo "Loop start.\n";

for( $count = 0 ; $count < 10 ; $count++ ) {

   if( $count == 3 ) {

      echo "Count is 3: stop this loop...\n";

   echo "Current count == $count\n";

echo "Loop end.\n";

output of php-basics/break

Loop start.
Current count == 0
Current count == 1
Current count == 2
Count is 3: stop this loop...
Loop end.

Commonly used (builtin) functions


The isset function checks whether a PHP variable was created / assigned.

This function returns false if the tested variable isn’t declared before or is equal to null

php-basics/isset | src


echo "test undeclared variable\n";
var_dump( isset($some_variable) );
echo "\n";

echo "test declared variable\n";
$some_variable = "hello world";
var_dump( isset($some_variable) );
echo "\n";

echo "test null variable\n";
$some_variable = null;
var_dump( isset($some_variable) );

output of php-basics/isset

test undeclared variable

test declared variable

test null variable


The empty function checks whether a PHP variable has an empty value.

Examples of empty values: null, "", 0, …

php-basics/empty | src


echo "test undeclared variable\n";
var_dump( empty($some_variable) );
echo "\n";

echo "test declared variable\n";
$some_variable = "hello world";
var_dump( empty($some_variable) );
echo "\n";

echo "test empty variables\n";
$some_variable = "";
var_dump( empty($some_variable) );
$some_variable = 0;
var_dump( empty($some_variable) );
$some_variable = null;
var_dump( empty($some_variable) );

output of php-basics/empty

test undeclared variable

test declared variable

test empty variables


The strlen function returns the length (number of characters) in a string.

php-basics/strlen | src


$string =  "The length of this string is: ";
echo $string;
echo strlen( $string );

output of php-basics/strlen

The length of this string is: 30


The str_split function parses a string into individual characters and returns an array where each item in the array corresponds to one character in the original string.

php-basics/str_split | src


$string = "split into chars";

$array_of_chars = str_split( $string );

print_r( $array_of_chars );

output of php-basics/str_split

    [0] => s
    [1] => p
    [2] => l
    [3] => i
    [4] => t
    [5] =>  
    [6] => i
    [7] => n
    [8] => t
    [9] => o
    [10] =>  
    [11] => c
    [12] => h
    [13] => a
    [14] => r
    [15] => s


The strtolower returns a string with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase.

php-basics/strtolower | src


$string =  "This is a MIXED case string";
echo $string;
$string = strtolower( $string );
echo $string;

output of php-basics/strtolower

This is a MIXED case stringthis is a mixed case string


The strtoupper returns a string with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase.

php-basics/strtoupper | src


$string =  "This is a MIXED case string";
echo $string;
$string = strtoupper( $string );
echo $string;

output of php-basics/strtoupper



The explode function parses a string into individual pieces based on a delimiter and returns an array where each item in the array corresponds to a section in the original string separated by the delimiter.

php-basics/explode | src


$string = "This is the first section of a semicolon separated string;This is the second section;And this the third!";

$array_of_sections = explode(";", $string);

print_r( $array_of_sections );

output of php-basics/explode

    [0] => This is the first section of a semicolon separated string
    [1] => This is the second section
    [2] => And this the third!

This function can be used to convert the lines in a file (retrieved via file_get_contents) into an array of lines.

php-basics/explode-newline | src


$string = ">Random Sequence (250 nts sampled from ATGC)

$lines = explode("\n", $string);

print_r( $lines );

output of php-basics/explode-newline

    [0] => >Random Sequence (250 nts sampled from ATGC)


The implode function takes an array and glue as input. The items in the array will be glued together into a new string. Each of the sections in the new output string will be separated by the glue

php-basics/implode | src


$array_of_sections = [
   "section 1",
   "section 2",
   "section 3",
   "section 4",

echo "Create a new string delimited by semicolons: \n";
echo implode(";", $array_of_sections);

echo "\n";
echo "Create a new string delimited by newlines: \n";
echo implode("\n", $array_of_sections);

output of php-basics/implode

Create a new string delimited by semicolons: 
section 1;section 2;section 3;section 4
Create a new string delimited by newlines: 
section 1
section 2
section 3
section 4


Regular expressions are a very powerful way of detecting patterns in a string.

The complete depth and power of regular expressions are out of the scope of this course but we will use them to detect header lines in multifasta sequences.

php-basics/preg_match | src


echo "We want to match a leading > symbol:\n";
//       Pattern  Find pattern in this
var_dump( preg_match("/^>/",  ">MultiFasta Sequence Header") );

var_dump( preg_match("/^>/",  "Hello World") );

output of php-basics/preg_match

We want to match a leading > symbol:



Create a script that:

  • receives a number from the command line
  • counts from zero to this number
  • counts back from this number to zero
  • counts from zero to the number in steps of three
php count-to-number.php 9
Count up from 0 to 9: 
Count down from 9 to 0: 
Count up from 0 to 9 in steps of 3: 


Create a script that prints a line of a asterisks * defined by a command line parameter.

php print-asterisks.php 9


Create a script that

  • prints a square of a asterisks * if one parameter is defined
  • Prints a block with width and height if both parameters are defined.
php print-square-of-asterisks.php 9

php print-square-of-asterisks.php 15 5


Create a script that prints a left + bottom balanced triangle of asterisks with base defined by parameter.

php print-left-bottom-balanced-triangle.php 9


Create a script that prints a right + bottom balanced triangle of asterisks with base defined by parameter.

php print-right-bottom-balanced-triangle.php 9


Create a script that prints a center + bottom balanced triangle of asterisks with base defined by parameter.

php print-center-bottom-balanced-triangle.php 9


Create al the triangles again but the base (maximum number of asterisks) should be on top instead of at the bottom…

php print-left-top-balanced-triangle.php 9

php print-right-top-balanced-triangle.php 9

php print-center-top-balanced-triangle.php 9


Create a script that counts the number of parameters provided

php count-argv.php 9 12 3 5 4 1 8 5
8 arguments where provided


Create a script that:

  • reads a list of numbers from the command line
  • prints the list
  • prints the number of numbers (count)
  • calculates/prints the min, max and average of the numbers
  • Print how many times a number occurs in the list
  • (prints the list backwards (bonus))
  • (prints the list sorted (bonus))
php number-statistics.php 9 12 3 5 4 1 8 5
The numbers received:
number 0: 9
number 1: 12
number 2: 3
number 3: 5
number 4: 4
number 5: 1
number 6: 8
number 7: 5

Smallest number: 1
Avg: 5.875
Largest number: 12
Number of numbers: 8
Number occurences
    9   ->  1
    12  ->  1
    3   ->  1
    5   ->  2
    4   ->  1
    1   ->  1
    8   ->  1

The numbers in reverse order:
number 7: 5
number 6: 8
number 5: 1
number 4: 4
number 3: 5
number 2: 3
number 1: 12
number 0: 9

Numbers from smallest to largest:


Create a script which stores the keys of an array as values of another array. (Extract the keys from an array)

$array = array(
    'position 1' => 'hello',
    'position 2' => 'world',
    3            => 'three',
    'four'       => 4
php array-keys.php 
    [0] => position 1
    [1] => position 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => four


  • Create a script which reverses an array.
  • Create a script which reverses an array and preserves the keys
$array = array(
    'position 1' => 'hello',
    'position 2' => 'world',
    3            => 'three',
    'four'       => 4
php array-reverse.php 
    [0] => 4
    [1] => three
    [2] => world
    [3] => hello
    [four] => 4
    [3] => three
    [position 2] => world
    [position 1] => hello


Create a script that generates the reverse complement of DNA string:



Print bonds:

Info: The PHP functions: str_split amd strlen can be of use.


Create a script that generates the reverse complement of DNA string and can cope with:

  • with Caps and non caps letters
  • white space
  • unvalid nucleotides (and report these)
php dna-reverse-complement-robust.php 'ATgCXCgAtAgg  ACTAtgGaCtA X  TCtA g aGaTc TatCAgAgaatAtiXXATCcgggATAATcggAtATCggCGaTaC'
orig.: ATgCXCgAtAgg  ACTAtgGaCtA X  TCtA g aGaTc TatCAgAgaatAtiXXATCcgggATAATcggAtATCggCGaTaC

Invalid NT characters:
X: 4 occurrences
i: 1 occurrences


Create a script that prints the nucleotide frequency of a DNA strand.

Additional: Create a simple bar plot to visualise the percentages.


      A: 24 nts -> 32.876712328767 %
      T: 18 nts -> 24.657534246575 %
      G: 18 nts -> 24.657534246575 %
      C: 13 nts -> 17.808219178082 %

      A: =================================
      T: =========================
      G: =========================
      C: ==================


Create a script that prints the frequency of the characters in a string.

  • sort by frequency: low to hight + high to low
  • sort by character (and reverse)
  • case-insensitive (bonus)
php character-frequency.php 'Hello world, this is a random 123#$ string.'
input: Hello world, this is a random 123#$ string.

'H': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'e': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'l': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'o': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
' ': 7 occurences -> 16.279069767442 %
'w': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'r': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'd': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
',': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
't': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'h': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'i': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
's': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'a': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'n': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'm': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'1': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'2': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'3': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'#': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'$': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'g': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'.': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %

Order by frequentie:
'H': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'e': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'w': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
',': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'h': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'm': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'1': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'2': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'3': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'#': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'$': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'g': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'.': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'd': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
't': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'a': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'n': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'l': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'o': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'r': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'i': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
's': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
' ': 7 occurences -> 16.279069767442 %

Order by character:
' ': 7 occurences -> 16.279069767442 %
'#': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'$': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
',': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'.': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'H': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'a': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'd': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'e': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'g': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'h': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'i': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'l': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'm': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'n': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'o': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
'r': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
's': 3 occurences -> 6.9767441860465 %
't': 2 occurences -> 4.6511627906977 %
'w': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'1': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'2': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %
'3': 1 occurences -> 2.3255813953488 %

Info: See: sort, asort, ksort,… for different sort functions


PHP Webserver

PHP has a built in web-server. This means that no external server like Apache or Nginx is required to start a web-site and interlink the pages on this site.

Starting a server

The server is started with one command on the command line:

php -S localhost:<port> [-t /path/to/folder]


php -S localhost:8080

This previous command will start a web-server in the current working directory and will be accessible at the URL: http://localhost:8080.

You can pick any port, as long as it is between 1024 and 65535. By convention 8000 or 8080 are picked because of the resemblance with the official HTTP-port: 80.

As mentioned before, by default the server will start in the current working directory. If you wish the root of the site to be another directory, specify it via the -t option.

Info: More info about this command can be found by executing the man php command on the command line.

By default the web-server will search and execute serve the index.html or index.php file in the servers root directory. (root directory = the directory where the server was started)

Making a simple page

mkdir my-website
cd my-website
echo "Hello world" > index.html
php -S localhost:8080
firefox localhost:8080

You should be greeted with Hello world

Because the web-pages are served via a PHP server, all PHP files (ending in .php) will be interpreted by the webserver. This allows us to generate the HTML content dynamically.



Create a PHP page that prints hello world when served by a web-server

Example Solution:


Create a PHP page that resembles your CV.

Example Solution:


Create a web-page that prints

  • an ordered list of three your three favourite dishes (dynamically)
  • a list of (three) hobbies
Example Solution:


Create three web-pages that interlink to one another.

  • Home
    • Title
    • Name
    • Age
  • hobbies
    • Title
    • list
  • Favourite dishes
    • Title
    • list
Example Solution:

Include / Require

PHP allows us to include one file into another. This is done via the include or require;

The difference between the two is that require will fail if the specified file can’t be included where include will merely warn about the failed inclusion.




Create a web-page who includes another file.


Forms can be used to send data from the web-page to the server. This data can be read and processed via PHP.

A form is composed out of a form-tag and data tags.

Form tag

<form action="<action>" method="<method>">
    <!-- content -->

The form tag has two required attributes:

  • action
  • method


This attribute specifies the page the data should be sent to.

To send the data back to the same page, specify: # or the URL of the current page.

<form action="#"></form>
<form action=",php"></form>


The method defines how the data should be send to the server.

There are two main methods:

  • GET
  • POST

GET mains appending the data as URL parameters.

Say we want to send the username and the age of a user back to the server, the URL could look like this:

This method has two gotchas:

  1. The data is sent visible to the server. Never use this method to send sensitive data back to the server.
  2. The number of characters allowed in an URL is limited. So large amounts of data can not be sent this way…

An advantage of this method is that the URL with the data attached can be bookmarked or shared.


POST The post method comes in where GET falls short.

The data is sent in the body of the HTTP request and is this invisible and not limited by size.

This method is most often used to send data from forms back to the server

<form action="#" method="get"></form>
<form action="#" method="post"></form>

Data tags

Other special tags are used to present or request data from the user.

In order to send the data, contained in the elements, back to the server, the name attribute must be set on the elements. This name can than be used on the backend to retrieve the values entered by the user.


<input type="text" value="" name="">

The input tag encompasses a lot of “data types”. The type-attribute can be used to modify the behaviour of this tag.


  • checkbox
  • email
  • file
  • number
  • password
  • radio
  • text

The value attribute holds the default value of the element. If not defined, the element will be empty.

The radio and checkbox type don’t take a value (only) but a state, the checked replaces the value attribute.

php-and-html/input | src

   <li><input type="checkbox" checked name="input-type-checkbox"></li>
   <li><input type="checkbox" name="input-type-checkbox"></li>
   <li><input type="email" value="" name="input-type-email"></li>
   <li><input type="file" value="Hello World" name="input-type-file"></li>
   <li><input type="hidden" value="Don't show this input to the user" name="input-type-hidden"></li>
   <li><input type="number" value="42" name="input-type-number"></li>
   <li><input type="password" value="hello world" name="input-type-password"></li>
   <li><input type="radio" checked name="input-type-radio"></li>
   <li><input type="radio" name="input-type-radio"></li>
   <li><input type="submit" value="hello world" name="input-type-submit"></li>
   <li><input type="text" value="hello world" name="input-type-text"></li>


Info: In order to send files to the server, the form attribute: enctype must be set to multipart/form-data

<form action="#" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>

See later for more details on how to upload files…


The select tag allows the user to choose options out of a predefined set:

<select name="name-sent-backend">
    <option value="1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="2">Option 2</option>
    <option value="3">Option 3</option>

As can be seen in the example, a select is composed out of multiple options.

The default behaviour is that only one option can be selected at once.

This can be altered via the multiple-attribute.

php-and-html/select | src

<select name="name-sent-backend">
    <option value="1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="2">Option 2</option>
    <option value="3">Option 3</option>


<select multiple name="name-sent-backend">
    <option value="1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="2">Option 2</option>
    <option value="3">Option 3</option>

Sub-group can be created via optgroup

php-and-html/select-groups | src

<select name="name-sent-backend">
   <optgroup label="numbers">
      <option value="1">Option 1</option>
      <option value="2">Option 2</option>
      <option value="3">Option 3</option>
   <optgroup label="letters">
         <option value="a">Option a</option>
         <option value="b">Option b</option>
         <option value="c">Option c</option>


<select multiple name="name-sent-backend">
   <optgroup label="numbers">
      <option value="1">Option 1</option>
      <option value="2">Option 2</option>
      <option value="3">Option 3</option>
   <optgroup label="letters">
         <option value="a">Option a</option>
         <option value="b">Option b</option>
         <option value="c">Option c</option>


To send a block of text back to the server, use a textarea.

php-and-html/textarea | src

<textarea name="name-sent-to-server">

Multiline content



The label is not an input/data tag, but a meta-data tag.

This tag is used to add information about a data-tag. For example: label a password field as a password field.

A side benefit of using lables is that clicking a label, will automatically focus it’s corresponding data element.

php-and-html/label | src

   <input type="text" value="jonh Doe" name="name">


   <input type="text" value="21" name="age">


   Loves ice-cream:
   <input type="checkbox" name="loves-ice-cream">

PHP special data arrays

When data is sent to a PHP server, PHP will automatically populate the corresponding special array according/

Special arrays:

  • $_GET: Holds al the data sent via the GET method.
  • $_POST: Holds al the data sent via the POST method.
  • $_REQUEST: Holds al the data sent via GET and POST combined.
  • $_FILES: Holds all the info about the uploaded files.


<form action="#" method="post">
    <input type="text" value="Hello World" name="name">
    <input type="number" value="21 World" name="age">
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit">
print_r( $_POST );

    [name] => "Hello World",
    [age] => 21

This data can now be processed via PHP.

To test if data was submitted, the value of the submit button can be used.

In the previous example was the value: submit.

if( isset( $_POST['submit'] ) ) {

    /* Do stuff with data */



Print a rainbow pyramid, each column should have it’s own color

  • red
  • orange
  • yellow
  • green
  • blue
  • indigo
  • violet
Example Solution:


Create a webpage with a login form:

  • first name field
  • last name field
  • gender radio button
  • age field
  • email address
  • password field
  • “I want to receive updates” checkbox


Create a login form with a

  • name field
  • age field

Please validate if a user is older than 21.

Print an access granted or denied accordingly.

(Extra: Show error when a field is not filled…)

(Extra II: print how many years the user should wait before resubmitting the form…)


Create a parrot. Everything you submit must be echo-ed back to the screen.

Extra: append words to previous input…


Create a webpage that generates a triangle.

  • The base of the triangle should be dynamically defined via a from submission or specified in the URL
  • The character the triangle is composed of should be dynamically defined via a from submission or specified in the URL
  • Extra: re-fill fields with previously entered values


Create a tool that validates passwords.

  • Password should be entered twice and be the same.
  • Password should be more than 8 characters
  • (extra) Password should have at least one number and letter.


Create a tool that generates passwords.

  • The number of characters should be defined by a form submission or in the URL.
  • There should be the possibility (option) to include numbers in the generated password (via form or URL).
  • You should be able to specify the number of passwords generated (via form or URL).


Make a web-page where you can paste and upload text and the tool should should:

  • calculate and report the number of lines uploaded
  • calculate and report the number of words uploaded
  • calculate and report the number of characters uploaded
  • Report the results in an table.


Make a webpage where you can upload comma separated data and convert it into a table.

  • Extra: add option: make the first row headers
  • Extra: throw error if number of fields is incorrect
first name, last name, gender, age
john, doe, male, 21
jane, doe, female, 18
jake, smith, male, 20
joan, d'arc, female, 33


Create a webtool which generates random sequences. The specifics of the sequence should be configurable:

Allow the user to specify:

  • Sequence header (if not defined use: Random sequence #1)
  • The alfabet the sequence should be composed of (if not defined use ATGC)
  • The total number of nucleotides (default: 250)
  • The number of nucleotides per line (default: 50)
  • (Extra: Add the option (specify the number of sequences to generate) to generate multi-fasta e.g. generate multiple sequences: Random sequence #1, Random sequence #2, …)


Create a post comment form with fields:

  • name
  • email
  • title options: (Dr, Mr, Ms, Ir)
  • comment box
  • post anonymous checkbox.


  • Name and/or email are not empty (unless post anonymous was checked)

  • Comment has max 500 characters

  • Print a red error messages if a validation failed + indicate which field failed validation, in red.

  • If an error occurred pre-fill the elements with the valid data

  • If no errors occurred,

    • ( Mr. or Ms. ) (name or anonymous) posted:
    • print message posted in gray.


By IO we mean working with files…

Read a file

There are multiple ways to read a file:

are most important ones.


The file-function takes a filename as argument and returns an array where each array item corresponds to a line in the file.

$lines = file('/path/to/file.txt');


This function takes a filename as argument and returns a string containing the complete file contents (hence the name).

$complete_contents = file_get_contents('path/to/file.txt');

Create/Write a file


touch can be used to update the modification date of a file. If the file doesn’t exist yet, it will be created.

touch('new-file.txt'); // create new-file.txt
touch('new-file.txt'); // update modifaction timestamp of new-file.txt


fwrite can be used to write contents to a file handle.

A handle can be created via fopen.

$handle = fopen('file.txt', 'w'); // 'w' indicatets open file for writing
fwrite($handle, 'Hello world'); // Write hello world to opened file
fclose($handle); // close file

This sequence of opening, writing and closing a file is quite cumbersome, therefor a shorthand is also available: file_put_contents.

$nr_bytes_written = file_put_contents('/path/to/file.txt', $file_contents );

Remove a file

A file can be deleted via unlink.

$delete_ok = unlink('/path/to/file.txt');

Rename a file

A file can be renamed via rename.

$rename_ok = rename('/path/to/file.txt', '/path/to-new-filename.txt');


Similar functions exist for directories:

  • mkdir: Create directory

  • rmdir: Delete directory

  • rename: Rename directory

    rename('/path/to/dir', '/path/-to-new-dirname');

List all files in a directory:

  • readdir: Iterate over the files in a directory-handle

    $handle = opendir('/path/to/dir');
    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        echo "$file\n";
  • glob: List all files in a directory (as array) matching a certain pattern.

    $files = glob('/path/to/dir/*.php');

Upload files

File can be uploaded via a form-submission. The tag used to specify files is:

<input type="file" name="uploaded-file">

Info: In order to use the input[type=file], the form must specify the enctype-attribute:

<form action="#" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    <input type="file" name="uploaded-file">

    <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">

When a form containing files is submitted the $_FILES special PHP-variable is populated with the file(s) currently uploading:

$_FILES = Array
    [uploaded-file] => Array
            [name] => MyFile.txt             // name of the file
            [type] => text/plain             // filetype
            [tmp_name] => /tmp/php/php1h4j1o // php stores the file in a randomized tmp location
            [error] => 0                     // 0 = UPLOAD_ERR_OK --> no errors
            [size] => 123                    // the size in bytes

    [file2] => Array
            [name] => MyFile.jpg
            [type] => image/jpeg
            [tmp_name] => /tmp/php/php6hst32
            [error] => UPLOAD_ERR_OK
            [size] => 98174

PHP stores the uploaded file in a temporary location. We must use the files contents or move the file to a different location. At the next request this tmp_name will be something else. So keep this in mind.

If we opt not to read the file and process it, but move the file instead, the move_uploaded_file should be used to move a file to a new destination.

This function has some additional checks builtin and is thus the recommended way to move uploaded files:

move_uploaded_file('/tmp/php/php1h4j10', '/home/me/some-file.txt');



Create a web-page which allows to upload a file, and print the contents of the file.


Create a web-page which allows to upload a file, and:

  • report line-, word-a and character-count in a table
    • nicely spaced cells
    • lines, words, characters as rows but bold (headers)
  • list the top 10 most frequent words.
    • use a list but show all items aside each other (one line).


Create a web-page which allows to upload or paste multi-fasta data and:

  • report number of sequences
  • print the sequences:
    • fasta header is bold
    • nucleotides are monospaced, 80 characters wide
  • report GC-content per sequence


Create a web-page which allows to upload or paste multi-fasta data and:

  • print the sequences:
    • fasta header is header
    • (inter)link to fasta blocks
    • nucleotides are monospaced, 80 characters wide
    • each nucleotide should have its own color:
      • A: red
      • T: yellow
      • G: green
      • C: blue
  • Display the nucleotide frequencies in a bar graph. (A: xx%, T: xx%, …)


Create a web-page which allows to upload or paste multi-fasta data and:

  • Print the sequences:
    • fasta header is header
    • (inter)link to fasta blocks
    • nucleotides are monospaced, 80 characters wide
    • each nucleotide should have its own color the user can select from a list of options
    • add an option (checkbox) indicating the nucleotides should be grouped in groups of 10. (Example: ATGCATCGAT GCATCGATGC ATCGATGCA)
  • Handle invalid nucleotides in one of three ways:
    • Ingore: do nothing: handle the invalid NT as a valid NT.
    • Remove: remove the invalid NT from the output
    • Highlight: highlight the invalid NT in the sequence.
  • Display the nucleotide frequencies in a bar graph. (A: xx%, T: xx%, …)


Create a web-page which allows to upload a file or paste some text, and specify a list of terms.

  • Print the uploaded/pasted text
  • Highlight all the specified terms in the uploaded/pasted text. (for example each term starts at a new line in a textarea)
  • Extra: allow the user to specify the color per term. For example: the|red a|green an


In the previous exercises we created a single page application capable of receiving DNA sequences and displaying the nucleotides sequences colored on screen with an additional frequency graph.

Let’s now extend this single page application into a multi page web-app.

This app is composed out of three pages:

  • Home (index.php)
  • Submit a new job (submit.php)
  • Visualise the sequences (color.php)

All pages also share a common navigation bar and styles.


Create a paste-bin web-app. The app allows the user to create a new snippet and save it (eq. write to file) via a webpage. The user can browse all snippets and view them by clicking a link…

This app is composed out of three pages:

  1. index: list all the uploaded snippets
  2. upload: a form:
    • snippet name
    • contents Allow the user to specify a new snippet to store. Make sure:
    • no empty snippets or snippets with no name can be uploaded.
    • snippet name doesn’t already exists.
  3. snippet contents: show the contents of a snippet

PHP functions

Sometimes you use a piece of code over and over again. This is not optimal and this code should be extracted to its own function.

A function is a block of code with a given name and can be called (executed) by this name and optionally passed arguments to change the behaviour/output of the function.

We have already used a lot of PHP builtin functions. For example: print, isset, empty, array_pop, array_push, …

As mentioned we can define our own functions.


function <name> ( <arguments> ) {

    /* function code here */

Example: function without arguments

function greet() {
    echo "Hello!\n";

greet(); // Hello!
greet(); // Hello!

Example: function with arguments

function greet( $name ) {
    echo "Hello $name!\n";

greet( 'john' ); // Hello john!
greet( 'jane' ); // Hello jane!
greet(); // - ERROR -

If arguments are present in the function definition, these arguments must be passed when the function is invoked. Otherwise an error is thrown…

Arguments can however be defined with a default value, if the argument is not passed at invocation (or the argument value is NULL) the default value will be used instead.

Example: function with arguments

function greet( $name = 'anonymous' ) {
    echo "Hello $name!\n";

greet( 'john' ); // Hello john!
greet( 'jane' ); // Hello jane!
greet(); // Hello anonymous

Multiple arguments can be passed, separated by comma’s ,.

function greet_both( $first, $second = '' ) {

    echo "Hello $first";
    echo "Hello $second";

greet_both( 'john', 'jane' );
// Hello john
// Hello jane

// Hello sam
// Hello

Return a value

The return keyword must be used to return a value from an array:

function fn() {
    return "Hello World";

$string = fn();

Whenever a return statement is encountered, the function will stop and return the specified value. Any code defined after the return statement will not be executed…


function fn() {

    if( true ) {

        return "was true";

    echo "This will never execute because the function returned from the if statement";



Create a function which accepts two arguments:

  • name
  • sentence

Output: <name> -> <sentence>

php chat.php 
john -> @jane: Hello
jane -> Hello john
john -> Nice weather...
jane -> Yep is is


Create a function which checks if a number is:

  • positive
  • even
  • and smaller then 100
if( check_number( $nr ) ) { echo "number ($nr) passed tests"; }
else { echo "number ($nr) failed tests"; }
php validate-number.php -5
number (-5) failed tests
php validate-number.php 7
number (7) failed tests
php validate-number.php 22
number (22) passed tests
php validate-number.php 111
number (111) failed tests


Create a barplot: 25%, 80%, 15%.

Abstract the bars away in a function.

Example Solution:


Create a function for each arithmetic operator: +, -, x, /. The function should accept an array of values and apply the operations in sequence:


plus([1,2,3, 4]); // -> 10
subtract([10,5,1]); // -> ( 10 - 5 ) - 1
divide([100, 10, 5]) // -> ( 100 / 10) / 5
multiply([7,9,8,4]) // -> 7 * 9 * 8 * 4
  • Extra: accept two values: plus( 1, 2 ) or array: plus([1,2])
    Info: Use is_array to check if a variable is an array…
php arithmetic-operators.php 


Create a function which can retrieve and validate data from an array (ex.: $_POST)

  • retrieve key from array
  • check if value is not empty (otherwise show error)
  • check if value is not longer than 50 characters (otherwise show error)
  • modify the function so a default value can be passed to the function, if the key is not found in the array, retrun this value.
php retrieve-key.php 
default value
default value
`keyx` not found in array


Extra: Create a function that can calculate the factorial of a number.

Try not to use loops but recursion…

php factorial.php 5

Beyond this course

As you can imagine, there is more to be learned about Web Technologies then we are able to cover during this course.


Modern web applications make heavy use of JavaScript to obtain high user interactivity. This course skipped the user side interactivity via JavaScript because in order to create a JavaScript application you need to know about HTML and CSS for the frontend and a serverside language to create the backend. Although JavaScript (nodejs) is used more and more as the serverside backend, PHP is still the more broadly used language…

CSS frameworks

It can become quite cumbersome to (re)create base styles from scratch. This is an issue many developers run into and for this purpose CSS frameworks where created. These frameworks ensure an identifiable style uniform across browsers. They also aid in responsive design etc…

Some popular choices:

(Twitter) Bootstrap

Build fast, responsive sites with Bootstrap

Quickly design and customize responsive mobile-first sites with Bootstrap, the world’s most popular front-end open source toolkit, featuring Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful JavaScript plugins.

Tailwind CSS

Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.

A utility-first CSS framework packed with classes like flex, pt-4, text-center and rotate-90 that can be composed to build any design, directly in your markup.


Bulma: the modern CSS framework that just works.

Bulma is a free, open source framework that provides ready-to-use frontend components that you can easily combine to build responsive web interfaces.

PHP frameworks

Many PHP applications also share common functionality: user authentication, receiving, sanitizing and processing data etc.

To prevent developers of reinventing the wheel over and over again, PHP frameworks where created.


The PHP Framework for Web Artisans

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.


Symfony is a set of reusable PHP components and a PHP framework for web projects

The standard foundation on which the best PHP applications are built. Choose any of the 50 stand-alone components available for your own applications.

Speed up the creation and maintenance of your PHP web applications. End repetitive coding tasks and enjoy the power of controlling your code.